Frequently asked questions:
What are the main jobs offered?
IMCA eCMID inspections, Annual DP Trials, 5 yearly DP Trials, DP FMEA study, Proving Trials, Marine Warranty Surveys, Client Representative, CAMO ASOG study, DP Operations Manual, etc...
What is your core service provided?
IMCA electronic Common Inspection Marine Database (eCMID) Inspection for General and DP Vessels.
Vessel DP Trials.
What are the Terms and Conditions?
Our T&C are sent individually to each client after a formal job request.
What is the Warranty offered for your job?
Our warranty is enclosed within each Job Proposal sent to the client. Full payment for the job is made only after the conclusion.
Do you have a company operational license?
Yes, it is legislated and verified under the Brazilian Law.
In which geographic areas does the company operate?