Tecad Engineering and Consulting is known for working closely with Clients to offer the best services regarding IMCA eCMID inspection for General / DP Vessels, Vessel DP Trials, DP FMEA Proving Trials, MWS, etc.
Projects performed:
DP Trials & Assurance
Experienced and Certified by IMCA. Portfolio of concluded projects is availlable under clients request.
IMCA CMID Inspection
General and DP Vessels IMCA electronic Common Marine Inspection Document Accreditation.
Marine Warranty Surveys and Client Representative.
Drone inspections
Offshore Inspections with drones! Easy go and no personnel risk.
Pre Purchase Survey
This survey assesses the condition, seaworthiness, and value of the vessel to ensure the buyer makes an informed decision.
A Vessel DP FMEA (Dynamic Positioning Failure Modes and Effects Analysis) inspection is a systematic evaluation of a vessel's dynamic positioning system.